All staff are PROUD to work at Camberwell Park and embrace supporting all our parents and carers, and are proud to welcome and work with visitors and other professionals. We are Passionate about working together with other professionals and all of our families and we are Respectful of all of our multi agency work, and families. We proactively encourage parents and carers to be involved in their child’s education, school life and the wider whole school community. We are Organised by ensuring close contact with all families and ensuring relevant information, resources and support is offered to all. We are committed to working with the multi agency team to ensure the best possible opportunities for all of our children. We are Understanding of the needs of the pupils and their families and continue to support families in a variety of ways, and we are Dedicated to the children and families ensuring they are safe at all times and are given the best possible opportunities to make outstanding progress in all aspects of their learning. We are dedicated to working together with our partners and multi agency colleagues ensuring our children receive the best outcomes at all time.
At Camberwell Park Specialist Support School we positively welcome all parents carers and visitors into our school. We recognise that educating children is a process that involves partnership between parents, class teachers and the whole wider school community. As partners, our parents and carers understand the importance of a good working relationship with school, to ensure their child makes the best possible progress.
Each child has a Key Worker allocated to them. The key worker will ensure that each family is aware of day to day events such as class/whole school events and appointments to be held within school. They will support families in a variety ways, from sharing pupil progress and attainment, supporting families with a child’s behaviour, to discussing and generating resources that are shared at home.
They will be in contact with families through a variety of ways, home/school diaries, telephone conversations, face to face meetings, sharing good work through the use of coffee mornings and weekly newsletters.
For these reasons we continue to welcome and encourage parents/carers to participate fully in the life of our school.
However, on occasion, the behaviour of a few parents carers and visitors can cause disruption to school life, on occasions resulting in abusive or aggressive behaviour towards staff or other members of the school community. This will not be tolerated. The school reserves the right to take any necessary actions to ensure that members of the school community are not subjected to abuse.
This policy describes the management systems and arrangements in place to create and maintain a safe learning environment for all our children, multi agency staff, other visitors and school staff.
As well as the guidance set out in our Home-School Agreement, the Headteacher and Governing body expect parents, carers and visitors to:
- Respect the caring ethos of our school
- Understand and respect that both teachers, parents and visitors need to work together for the benefit of the children.
- Demonstrate that all members of the school community should be treated with respect and, therefore, set a good example in their own speech and behaviour (including when using home to school transport, bringing children to or collecting children from school, whether on foot or by car).
- Work together with school staff to proactively resolve any issues of concern.
- Avoid using staff as threats to condone children’s behaviour or use as a punishment.
In order to support a peaceful and safe school environment the school will not tolerate parents, carers other family members and visitors exhibiting the following:
(This is not an exhaustive list but seeks to provide illustrations of such unacceptable behaviour)
- Disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens to interfere with the operation of the school, classroom, main reception area or any other area of the school grounds, including outside of the main school building.
- Using loud/or offensive language, verbally threatening staff and/or pupils, swearing, cursing, using profane language or displaying temper, including while on the telephone.
- Threatening to do actual bodily harm to a member of school staff, Governor, other multi agency professionals, visitor, fellow parent/carer or pupil regardless of whether or not the behaviour constitutes a criminal offence.
- Threatening to/damaging or destroying school property.
- Abusive or threatening e-mails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other written communication.
- Defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the pupils/parent/staff, at the school on Facebook or other social sites. ( see below for further information)
- Any concerns you may have about the school must be made through the appropriate channels by speaking to the class teacher, the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors, so they can be dealt with fairly, appropriately and effectively for all concerned.
- The use of physical aggression towards another adult or child. This includes physical punishment against your own child on school premises.
- Smoking and consumption of alcohol or other drugs whilst on any part of the school grounds.
- Racist and/or sexist comments.
Should any of the above behaviour occur the school may feel it is necessary to contact the appropriate authorities and if necessary, ban the offending adult from entering the school grounds. All schools are classed as private property and Section 547 of the Education Act makes it clear that it is a criminal offence for a person who is on school premises, without lawful authority, to cause or permit a nuisance or disturbance. ( DFE 2012 Advice on school security – access and barring )
Unacceptable behaviour may result in the Local Authority and the Police being informed of the incident.