Transition to High School
Transition to high school
Transition to high school can be a difficult time for both our pupils and their families. For this reason, we work closely with our parents-carers and partner high schools and have developed a comprehensive package to support transition including:
- Discussion with families from year 5 at annual reviews and an opportunity to meet with the head teacher from the possible secondary school. Parents and children are also invited to look around the high school and make informed decisions as to which secondary school they would like their child to attend. Most Secondary Schools have an open evening that parents can attend.
- Work with the children in the classroom about ‘changes’ and ‘moving on’ as part of our work on Social and Emotional aspects of learning (SEAL)
- A programme of well planned visits by the pupil to their high school during the summer term in year 6 supported by individual class staff from Camberwell Park who know them well ( where needed, additional visits are added for pupils who need additional support)
- Visits are planned to ensure children are with their friends, and the children may be placed in a class with pupils who they know from the year before. Pupils who may require further support may be paired up with older friends/buddies.
- The further use of specialist resources, for example, social stories, portable schedules and now and next are used to support and promote confidence and understanding.
- The children take lots of pictures of their new school and make transition books to take home and share with their friends and family.